Keio Center for Strategy


Michito Tsuruoka

Associate Professor, Faculty of Policy Studies, Keio University

Deputy Director, Keio Center for Strategy (KCS)

Born in Tokyo in 1975. After graduating from the Faculty of Law at Keio University, he received his master’s degree from Keio University Graduate School of Law and earned a Ph.D. in War Studies at King’s College, University of London. He also studied at Georgetown University during this period. His expertise include international security and contemporary European politics.

He worked as an expert researcher at the Embassy of Japan in Belgium (in charge of NATO, 2005-08), and as a researcher at the German Marshall Fund (GMF) in the U.S. in 2009. From 2009 to 2017, he worked at the National Institute for Defense Studies, Ministry of Defense, serving as an instructor and senior research fellow. During that time, he was a member of the International Policy Division, Defense Policy Bureau, Ministry of Defense (2012-13), and a visiting fellow at the Royal United Kingdom Institute for Defense and Security Studies (RUSI) (2013-14). From March 2023 to March 2024 (planned), he is a visiting fellow at the Australian National University (ANU) Institute of Strategy and Defense Studies (SDSC).  He assumed his current position in April 2017.

He was also a Senior Fellow at the Institute for Security, Diplomacy and Strategy (CSDS) of the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and an ad hoc member of the Council for Science, Technology and Science (Space Utilization Subcommittee).


International Security, Contemporary European Politics


・“The European Union as Seen by Japan in an Age of Uncertainty,” in Natalia Chaban and Martin Holland (eds.), Shaping the EU Global Strategy: Partners and Perceptions

・(Co-authored with Nicola Casarini) “Non-Proliferation,” in Emil Kirchner and Han Dorussen (eds.), EU-Japan Security Cooperation: Trends and Prospects

・”Competing Visions of Japan’s International Engagement: Japan First vs Global Japan,” The International Spectator 55 (1) pp.34 – 47 2020.


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Fringilla congueque volutpat nibh

Dapibus sapien non egestas viverra purus

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