Keio Center for Strategy

1st Keio Strategic Forum:
"Outcomes of the Hiroshima G7 Summit and Prospects for Japanese Diplomacy"

29 May. 2023


On May 29, 2023, Keio Center for Strategy (KCS) held the first ever Keio Strategic Forum (KSF), kicking off with the theme “Outcomes of the Hiroshima G7 Summit and Prospects for Japanese Diplomacy.”

The Keio Strategic Forum is a salon held regularly with invited investors and specialized experts. Investors are invited to participate in a closed, informal discussion with outside experts.

In this memorable first forum, participants shared their evaluation of the G7 Summit held in Hiroshima in May. While some praised Prime Minister Kishida’s diplomatic skills, others questioned how to deal with the so-called “Global South” while aligning with the West.

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